SEA Technology Systems, LLC (SeaTech) is an 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services (STARS) III Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) awardee, facilitating integrated IT solutions.
8(a) STARS III is designed to provide worldwide IT solutions to federal agencies while fulfilling customers’ socioeconomic goals. The 8(a) STARS III GWAC – a/k/a “STARS III”, is a Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery,
Indefinite-Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions which may include the integration of ancillary support which is necessary and integral to the
IT services being acquired.
SeaTech Program Manager:
Mr. Joe Johnson, Program Manager
Email: jjohnson@f-concepts.com
SeaTech Contracts Manager:
Mr. Benje Middlebrooks, Contracts Administrator
Email: benje@f-concepts.com
UEI Number:
Contract Number:
Contract Ordering Period:
• Base: 7/2/2021 to 7/1/2026
• Option: 7/2/2026 to 7/1/2029
Who can use 8(a) Stars III:
Federal Agencies and Department of Defense (DOD)
Prompt Payment Terms:
Net 30 or other terms as may be negotiated in a task order
Order Types: Order contract types permitted include FAR 16.2 Fixed-Price contracts;
FAR 16.4 Incentive contracts; FAR 16.601 Time-and-Materials contracts; and FAR 16.602 Labor-Hour contracts.
These contract types may be used individually or in combination within a single Order comprising multiple Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs).
Orders may also incorporate FAR 17.1 Multi-year Contracting and FAR 17.2 Options. Cost Reimbursement (FAR Subpart 16.3) Orders are not allowed.
GSA Assistance:
GSA 8(a) STARS III Contract: STARS III Contract
GSA 8(a) STARS III Website: STARS III Website
GSA 8(a) STARS III Brochure: STARS III Brochure
GSA 8(a) STARS III Ordering Guide: STARS III Ordering Guide
$50 billion program ceiling and five-year base period with one three-year option | Allows for long-term planning of large-scale program requirements |
Sole-source task orders up to the 8(a) competitive threshold | Enhances opportunities for 8(a) firms |
Contract types include fixed-price, labor-hour, and time-and-material terms | Offers flexibility of contract types to mitigate risk |
Two focused scope sub-areas, which are available to provide fair opportunity | Offers access to contractors with demonstrated experience in either emerging technology or performance in an OCONUS location |
Ancillary services and/or equipment are permitted when integral and necessary to the IT services-based solution | Facilitates integrated IT services-based solutions |
Access to exceptionally qualified 8(a) small-business industry partners | Enables federal clients to earn 8(a) small-business credit |
Pre-competed, easy-to-use contract with streamlined ordering procedures based on FAR 16.505 | Saves time and money by reducing procurement lead time |
Complimentary scope compatibility reviews | Promotes contract compliance and reduces risk of adverse audits |
No protests on orders under $10 million, except on the grounds that the order increases the scope, period, or maximum value of the GWAC | Minimizes protest risk and supports timely order award |
Predefined adjustment differentials for 53 Conus locations and as per the DoS Bureau of Administration, Office of Allowances published indexes | Provides flexibility to provide Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services in all authorized CONUS, OCONUS and foreign locations |
General Scope:
Examples of work to be performed relative to Order requirements include the following. These examples are not meant to be all-inclusive, but rather general indications of the types of services within a given IT services-based solution. Other services not listed as examples, but which adhere to the definition of IT, are within scope and may be provided to meet an agency’s particular mission needs.
1. Data Management
2. Information and Communication Technology
3. IT Operations and Maintenance
4. IT Security / IT workforce augmentation
5. Software Development
6. Systems Design
Scope Sub-Area 1: Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services include, but are not limited to:
1. Artificial Intelligence (including Machine Learning, Deep Learning/Neural Networks, Natural Language Generation)
2. Autonomic Computing
3. Blockchain / Distributed Ledger
4. Quantum Computing
5. Robotic Process Automation
6. Technological Convergence
7. Virtual Reality (including Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, Mixed Reality)